Email and Network Security Solutions

Real-Time Cyber
Threat Intelligence

Advanced threat intelligence, improved anti-spam filtering, global coverage. Get some of the world’s best researchers to work for you!


Email Filtering

Email is a vector for cybercrime. Improve your coverage against phishing, ransomware, malware, and spam.

Cyber Threat Intelligence

Deliver the cybersecurity intelligence to take control and block cyberattacks at the scale and speed you need.

Passive DNS

Massive, historical database of DNS activity. Passive DNS helps you improve your visibility and investigation of cyberthreats.


Spamhaus is the industry’s leading independent Security Research Organization. Protecting email and networks across the globe, for more than 20 years.

This API is easy-to-consume, and easily delivers Spamhaus Threat Intelligence …  data for integration, incident response, online real time risk assessment, monitoring trends and more.

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Spamhaus Zen is a combination of all Spamhaus IP-based blocklists (DNSBLs), each of which provides protection IP Reputation and intelligence to combat abuse and spam. Zen is therefore capable of providing broad protection against most types of spam. It is the single mostly widely used anti-spam blocklist in the world.

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Domain Block List (DBL) contains a list of spam domains that link to fraud, phishing, and malware sites.

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Spamhaus Technology has introduced a new Zero Reputation Domain (ZRD) service based on Spamhaus’ temporal data. ZRD automatically adds newly-registered domains to a blocklist, allowing you to protect your customers from receiving emails from new malicious domains.

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Hash Blocklists (HBL) are lists of cryptographic hashes associated with malicious content, as opposed to IP addresses or domains. They are extremely useful for filtering fraudulent emails coming from ISP, domains, or IP addresses that Spamhaus is unable to list e.g. Gmail. Additionally they can block emails containing malware files.

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Passive DNS is a technique in which sensors capture inter-server DNS messages and forward them to a collection point for analysis. After being analyzed, individual DNS records are stored in a database where they can be indexed and queried.

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Spamhaus’s Advanced Threat Datafeeds — Botcc, eXBL, and Passive DNS — provide the most current, detailed, and actionable intelligence on botnets, infected hosts, and related metadata. This highly valuable and actionable threat intelligence data improves your defenses and helps address malicious activity.

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Spamhaus’s RPZ feeds contain hundreds of thousands of suspect domains, and the data is updated automatically by broadcasting only changes to the list rather than the full list. That means it takes less than a second for updates to propagate, effectively blocking cyber threats in near real time.

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Provider of highly accurate and highly dynamic list of active, bad domains. Keep your systems protected from malicious websites with this real-time threat data.



HASHBL / Shortener Feed



Prevent Cyberattacks
with Real-Time Threat Intelligence


'ZEN' IP-based Blocklists

The World’s #1 anti-spam blocklist. Highly accurate, highly effective IP based block lists. ZEN secures your organization with the leading IP Reputation Data.


Content Blocklists - Domain Blocklist (DBL)

Comprehensive list of current, active bad domains. Improve your coverage against phishing, malware, and botnets with Domain Reputation Data.


Domain Blocklists

Highly accurate lists of active malicious domains. Provides your business with the most up-to-date data on online threats.


Passive DNS

Massive historical database of dns activity. Used for brand monitoring, SOC / incident response, penetration testing, and malware research.

Raw Spam Feeds

High Volume, Full Messages

High Volume, Full Messages Improve your visibility to current spam campaigns
Turn and improve your coverage full messages with attachments.

HASH / Shortner BL

Content & URL Shortener Blocklist

Enhanced protection from malicious domains hidden behind layers of URL shortener redirectors.

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Real-Time Cyber Threat Intelligence You Can Rely On

Our Approach To Security

Protect your systems from phishing email scams, bot-net IP’s, ransomware, malware domains, and other advanced cyber threats. 

Real-time threat intelligence from the leading independent security research organizations provides advanced and unparalleled protection against internet threats.  Whether you need threat data for email security, DNS Firewall, or for your security research teams, we deliver the best source of IP and Domain data to meet your specific business requirements. SecurityZones provides data and technical expertise to leading ISP’s, security vendors, enterprises, and governments worldwide.

Enhanced cybersecurity protection with highly accurate and actionable data-feeds, and threat intelligence from Spamhaus, the #1-rated anti-spam blocklist/IP Reputation, and SURBL BV, which provides real-time threat data on ‘current active’ bad domains. Enhanced network and email security with IP blocklists and real-time threat intelligence data feeds to:

  • Immediately improve detection and prevention of cyberthreats
  • Enhanced anti-spam filtering
  • Improved protection from malicious domains
  • Accurate, Actionable Threat Intelligence
  • Global coverage, updated every 1-2 minutes!

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