Know Your Spamhaus Score

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Spamhaus Score Checker

Use the free tool below to check a domain's reputation.

The Checker Tool below allows  you to search the database behind the Spamhaus Domain Blocklist and see how Spamhaus researchers have rated a domain.  Spamhaus Domain Blocklist is used by organizations globally to protect their network and users from accessing known, malicious domains.  

Domain reputations are classified as the following results (and colors)

  • Great (Green)
  • Good (Green)
  • Neutral (Yellow)
  • Bad (Red)
  • Malicious (Red)
The report also gives insights into associated domain information including: First seen and last seen UNIX timestamp, registrar, and any related IP information.


Domains rated as bad or malicious have been observed in or associated with phishing, malware, botnet command & controllers, snowshoe spammers, redirectors, adware, or sinkholes.